Monday, September 1, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Week #9, Thing #23
I suppose if I had to summarize my experience with the "23 Things", it would be "ENLIGHTENMENT". Please, please do this again. If I hadn't participated this summer, I would have been forever floundering around in Craig's List looking for all manner of unnecessary stuff!!!
Pat Kuhn
Monday, August 18, 2008
Week #9, Thing #22
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Week #9, Thing #21
Week #9, Thing #20
Libraries can take advantage of user-generated video that often adds to resources that are woefully underfunded. Furthermore, use of this kind of resource allows for up-to-the minute global collaboration. For the last couple years I have collaborated with our ESL teacher who uses the annual Iditarod race as a springboard for teaching a host of subjects including math, science, geography, language arts and political science. In the past, the students would use the Internet to access daily reports of the progress of the competition. However, with the use of YouTube, et. al., students are treated to a first-hand, close to real time, perspective of what it means to run this grueling race. I've embedded a video from YouTube presenting a musher's birds-eye view of this Alaskan tradition.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Week #8, Thing #19
Week #8, Thing #18
Fun with ZOHO Writer,Week#8, Thing #18
i am experimenting with ZOHO, specifically the ZOHO Writer feature of this application. There are several different features one can switch to including a speadsheet, presentation (think..PowerPoint), Website, Wiki, Planner, Chat creators and MORE. Being a Web 2.0 app, of course a big advantage of using ZOHO is its collaborative power. If only I'd known how "easy" it is to edit documents using this kind of application, I would have convinced a colleague ,for whom I and another colleague were editing a complicated document ,to use ZOHO or Google Docs rather than emailing back and forth, trying to keep track of who made what changes and when those changes were made! Sure looks like a full featured word processor, A LOT like Microsoft's Word. Another advantage of using this kind of authoring tool is that one can always find the document to continue editing since it is located on the web and not somewhere on a flash drive or on your home computer.
Week #7, Thing #17
Week #7, Thing #16
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Week #6, Thing #15
Week#6 Thing #14
Week#6, Thing #13
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Week #5, Thing #12
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Week #5, Thing #10
Week #5, Thing #11
Doing this exercise made me think about an article I read somewhere on someone's blog about how our students are evolving from retrievers of information to receivers of information. The example given was a teacher that had his world studies students create an IGoogle start page in which they added modules allowing for RSS feeds about notable world news. When a student goes to his/her google start page, he no longer has to search for current information about specific subject matter, the information comes to HIM/HER.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Week #4, Thing #8 RSS Feeds
Now, with RSS feeds directed to my Google page, I'm regularly updated on the news and events I wish to see without ever having to go to another web page. Plus, I get a summary if the news item, choosing to read further or delete. I find I'm much more informed now that I am using RSS. I suppose the downside is information overload!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Week 3 Thing 5: Photos and Images

There are SOOO many gorgeous photos. I've included one that resonates especially for me, particularly at this time of year.
I've "wasted" too much time on Flickr, Smugmug, Piccasa, etc. The photographs can be stunning. Absolutely fabulous, though. To date, I'm most comfortable using my computer and Iphoto, Imovie/Idvd to create projects that utilize the photos I take. However, now that I have seen the amazing opportunities for members of sites like Flickr, it's getting more attractive to join a community of like-minded individuals. Not only do you have the benefit of seeing great photographs, you also learn of the camera specifics of each photo, and can tap into the community by way of commenting on the photos, joining a special group, and getting advice from the flickr community.
I would like to figure out how best to use services like Flickr in my middle school environment.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Week 1, Thing #1, 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits
"Play" is rarely found in most adult's vocabulary, except when referring to the "work" of children; and, hardly ever as a word describing a method of learning. I know for myself that "work, work, work", is a mantra that rings in my head when what I really want to do is play. I believe the habit of play is probably one of the most difficult habits to achieve, and yet learning ought to be fun. Why is it so difficult to play?
On the other hand, the habit that I find the easiest to incorporate into my life is accepting responsibility for my own learning. I take learning very seriously, even if what is being learned is for pleasure or purely personal benefit. Maybe that's why playing to learn comes so hard for me.